Monday, May 25, 2009

some shots from project.

(We've jokingly called ourselves "Team Distraction," and this is why. From L to R: Amanda, Patrick, Krista, Evelyn, Steve and I)

Project has been great but has made for a super intense schedule as we're learning to balance normal life in Panama with the craziness that comes with project. Steve and I have been blessed with an awesome team in architecture/law/science that we've gotten to work with over the last month. Our outreach last Thursday came together super fast and super last minute but it all came together. We did an outreach called, "who is your hero?" or in Spanish, "Quien es tu heroe?" We had t-shirts made for the event and plastered big banners and posters all throughout the architecture faculty. There was a decent turnout of students from architecture and also from buisness administration as the Canadian team working there brought some of thier students with them to the event. That was a huge encouragement to me!

This next week our team is transitioning from a heavy focus on evangelism to more follow-up and discipleship as we're working on meeting up with the interested students from the outreach and from some classroom talks that Steve has had a chance to give in the architecture faculty. At the end of next week our entire project team is holding a "commitment dinner." Both before and at this dinner we will be challenging the key students either from this year or this last month of project to make a commitment to four things;

Walking with God in Obedience

Personal Evangelism and Discipleship

Involvement in Vida Estudiantil

Helping to Fulfill the Great Commission in this Generation

We're praying that 40 students would make this commitment and at the commitment dinner get hooked in with the Panamanian staff and other students so that as we leave there would be a smooth transition for the entire movement here in Panama. Please join with us in prayer with praying that these 40 students would commit to being 40 movement builders, that would change this country from the university to wherever they're heading next!

(all the project ladies at the canal)
(and all the boys at the canal.... they're outnumbered by quite a bit...)

1 comment:

Jessica Fauvelle said...

I am praying for you, dear, dear lindsey!! How I love you!

I was at church and heard a sermon and thought of you! It went something like this.. "Back when Jesus was telling the story of the prodigal son to a group of people, his audience knew that for a old man of their culture to run, was simply outrageous and disgraceful for that individual.. well.. Jesus discribed the father of the prodigal son RUNNING out to meet him!! So just when you are standing there, trying to decide what excuses to give to God for everything your ashamed of, God is running out to meet you, as undignified or disgraceful as it may be for Him, He could care less, His love is so abounding..."

wow... anywho.. that illustration will sit with me for quite some time now... I just really wanted to share that with you, and thought I might as well post it here since I am reading your blog anyway!

Love you bunches and bunches of somethin, not sure what.. but lots!
