Tuesday, April 07, 2009

frosh frosh frosh

In Panama we have many crazy opportunities that we don't have doing ministry in Canada. Take last week for example. Last week was the first week of classes at the Universidad de Panama, or "national" as we call it. Monday was spent sorting out last minute details and trying to sort out the class schedules for the different faculties that we're focusing in this semester, architecture, law and science. Unlike Canada each year of students is seperated into groups. The students stay in the same goups throughout the year, going to the same classes and having the same professors. Which makes life a little simpler for us! Over frosh week, our goal was to expose every first year student to the vision of Vida Estudiantil (VE) and give them an opportunity to get involved. So what better way to do that then to talk in each of there classes. Tuesday morning rolled around and found our team with Secundina split into two groups on campus. Each group would sit outside the classrooms where we knew the first years were and wait for the class to change. As soon as the prof would exit the room or as soon as the students stood up we would enter the class and ask to make a quick announcement. Then we'd get a chance to quickly share with the students the vision of VE, give them a schedule and an invitation to our Connection Night and the weekly meeting held on campus. It was a quick way to connect with all the first year students. As we had a chance to enter all 13 of the first year classes we'd targeted it was neat to think that we'd been able to acheive one of our goals of exposing the first year students to VE.

Frosh week (well more like frosh month... :) )activities are continuing this week with a focused drive to evangelize and then next week with a blitz of information tables situated in four focus faculties on campus. The feedback from the tables at UTP last week has been great and we've been seeing students get involved and hooked in on that campus. Please pray that we would have the same positive response next week on the national campus!

The team is also traveling to Boquete this Easter weekend for the annual Cruzada church conference. Please pray for safe travel and a restful weekend with the church and staff up there!

On a personal note... I was quite sick last week with a combination of migraines and nausea which led to me needing to take a full day off campus. After a restful weekend I'm feeling better but still not 100%. Please pray that over this busy time I would be able to heal completely and wouldn't be plaqued by any more migraines!!

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