Monday, March 05, 2007

There's sure a lot going on, but in a lot of ways thats to be expected during the last months of school. Friday at our weekly meeting for Campus for Christ a guy named Eric Rose talked about a couple of things that have really been on my heart since then. Just wanted to post them to get them off my chest;

Evangelism is not just a passion for God but it's an urgent passion. It's not just something we can do whenever but there is a time frame that we're in and every day that we have is crucial to making a difference. Evangelism was and is the priority for Jesus when he was on the earth and continues to be on Gods heart today. This is what really blew me away, and definately caused me some thought, if evangelism is God's priority why should mine be any different? That really threw down the challenge to me, let me know what you guys think... until then, much love, be blessed!

(P.S. And Sarah I'm working on my 5 things you guys don't know about me... it's pretty hard actually... but coming soon I hope... )

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