Tuesday, October 24, 2006


So its been another crazy week, middle of midterms, but at the same some really cool things have been going on. We (Campus for Christ) are bringing in a guest lecturer named Michael Horner for a series of lectures in November. I'm in charge of booking rooms and it was not looking good at all. There were new rooms at all that would work for the lecture and the lady at the university I was working with was honestly hard to work with. I realized this weekend though that too often I walk in defeat. I kept trying and trying to get rooms booked but expecting that nothing was going to come from it. Sunday at church I was reminded that Gods already got us covered, he's already won the war, or whatever battle we are fighting. Monday morning I called the room booking lady and ran into another brick wall it seemed. But, God is totally faithful she emailed saying there were three rooms available for out lecture, and one that is going to work beautifully. Its so cool to see that God is totally taking care of us. He has huge plans for my campus, I know this to be true and sometimes I just need to claim the massive victories that Christ has already won. More later.. gotta run!

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