This next week our team is transitioning from a heavy focus on evangelism to more follow-up and discipleship as we're working on meeting up with the interested students from the outreach and from some classroom talks that Steve has had a chance to give in the architecture faculty. At the end of next week our entire project team is holding a "commitment dinner." Both before and at this dinner we will be challenging the key students either from this year or this last month of project to make a commitment to four things;
Walking with God in Obedience
Personal Evangelism and Discipleship
Involvement in Vida Estudiantil
Helping to Fulfill the Great Commission in this Generation
We're praying that 40 students would make this commitment and at the commitment dinner get hooked in with the Panamanian staff and other students so that as we leave there would be a smooth transition for the entire movement here in Panama. Please join with us in prayer with praying that these 40 students would commit to being 40 movement builders, that would change this country from the university to wherever they're heading next!